Ubaldo Yáñez, Director at Voltiq, has been invited to one of the regular events organized by Spanish association "Ateneo de Energía" to present Voltiq’s experience in structuring debt for contracted projects, describe what the key elements of a bankable PPA are, and discuss the different non-recourse financing options for these projects.
The event will take place on 24 May 2017 and will host various key players in the Spanish renewable industry like EDP Renovables and Enertis.
Subjects that will be discussed during the one-day-session include:
- Risks and challenges associated to a PPA;
- What could go wrong when negotiating a PPA?;
- Regulation and current tender in Spain;
- European trends.
To register for this event please follow this link: http://ateneodeenergia.org/news-24-mayo/
contact us for more information